Fan Art


Danica "Steena" Andersen

Shay The Ribbon Dragon

Kristi Osterreicher


DJ Polaris

Keep sending me your stuff
Subject line must contain the word "Fanart" or you're drawing's soul will be lost for all eternity

Rules for Fanart:

1. Fanart should contain at least one character, setting, weapon, etc. of mine. (If you send me an incredibly good picture, feel free to disregard this rule altogether.)

2. Images should be sent in either a .gif or a .jpg file format.

3. I run a clean site here. If you send me an image with nudity, I may not put it up. (I won't post porn, but I will post art) If there is nudity in your picture and you are willing to cover certain things up, do so or metion it in the email and I'll do it for you.

4. I'll also accept pictures of people cosplaying as my characters (Not that you'll do it, I'm just leaving the option open). Be warned, I calls 'em as I sees 'em. If you look like an idiot, there's a good chance I'll say something about it.

5. Send as many pictures as you want, just not all at once, please.

That should be all. Come on, send me something. You'd be surprised what people will put on the internet. I certainly was.
























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